The prophylaxis is to consist of all healthy campaigns, it have like objetive to prevent the apparition of a illness or a state abnormal of the organism.
A very good form to prevent is to educate the comunity level, family and indiviual.
this education is of different form like Tv, radio or pamphlet. Or in case of a litle child. The school is in charge to educate the child in thing like to wash the hand, to brush the tooth. but in this case the family is very important too.
Other healthy campaigns is the vaccination free for people in the risk group.
The state of chile give free all years.
other thing is to take the examens called PAP, this is a form to prevent the uterus cancer
I think the most important think to teach a physical therapist is:
"The Move Is Life"
It is a good thing to prevent illness like Osteoporosis, obesity but the most importante that the people don´t be a sedentary.
Other thing about this career is the ergonomics.
the ergonomics is a discipline that it find the complete harmony between the humans and the tecnology.
in this case it is very importante a pshysical therapist in the job, because they teach you how you prevent the illnes such as bad position or back pain.
this career prevent the laboral illness
profilaxys it's the better
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ReplyDeleteI agree with you :). Ergonomics is a good form to prevent diseases!