

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Movies That I Love

well this is the last time that I will write in this blog.
The topic that I took is about the movies that I Love <3
The first is "The nightmare before Christmas" by Tim Burton.
This movie was published by Disney in 1990
a short synopsis about the movie:
Jack Skellington is the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, he is bored with doing the same thing every year for Halloween´s day. One day, he stumbles with the Christmas Town, and he is so taken with the idea of Christmas that he tries to change the Hallowen´s day for the christmas. But he can't get it quite right.
Other movie that I love is Trainspotting, it was published in july, 1996.
Trainspotting is the story of a man who is heavily addicted to heroin in
Edinburgh, Scotland. Ewan McGregor portrays Mark Renton, a young
man so immersed in the drug underworld that he seems to have little
chance of escaping from it.
he is need for drugs becomes evident early
in the movie, when he purchases and takes heroin at the grungy
establishment of a dealer who has been nicknamed Mother Superior".
"he is subsequent hallucinations allow to experience the world of heroin addiction in a powerful, memorable way.
Throughout the film, we see different aspects of Renton's life and
personality. He finally comes clean after a baby dies at Mother
Superior's and Renton himself is admitted to the hospital. With his
family's help.
Other movie about the same topic is Requiem for a dreams. the different, in requiem for a dreams is a couple. they have a Severely adiction to the drugs.

Other movies that I Love is all about Tim Burton.

That aremy recomendation =)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chile´s bicentennial year ☺

Chile is a country located in SudAmerica.

This Is A beautiful country because you have differente places to visit, for example if you want to see the sea, you can go to Viña del mar or all seaside area.

Or you want to go a the place with many vegetations, you can go to Chiloe or something in the south of the country.

We have not only different place, we have differente kind of type of food too.
Many tourist
feel strongly attracted for that. Well, not only the tourist, the chilean people too.

For example we have the best wine of the world. or the vegetables, we have different kind of type and we can eat all year.

Other food is the Fish a shellfish, We have all type, and all country can eat that.

In this year 2010, chile celebrate this B-day number 200. And all the people is in euphoria. And they celebrate everything, since a saint's day or a carnaval for nothing jajajajaja.

All about this year is special,for good or bad to the country.

For example, when start the year, chile have a several earthquake, this was 8.8 Mw, this epicenter was in see opposite to Curanipe and Cobquecura. The earthquake destroyed many families, house and differente places like

In the same time, Chile lose this First female presidente.

In Agust other succes happen, 33 miner was trapped in a mine. They was in there for 70 days approximately.

In this year we have differente succes, but all was a bad succes. But chile is a strong country and we can up.

About the celebrate of "independence"

I think This year Chile is´t in the bicentenarial, because if we see de history about Chile. The September 18th of 1810, Chile celebrate the first cabinet National meeting, not this independence, it´s only a meeting. The real b-day of Chile is in February 12th of1818.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Green Eco Festivals ☼
I took about the three festival. It´s are the most important.

The first is The Big Tent Festival
It´s the most important green festival in Scotland.
This was created in 2005, the Eco festival was launched about a protest in the G8 summit in gleneagles in the summer of 2005.
The central theme is about ecological long-term thinking and all people come here.
this was celebrate on 25-26 July, in a Falkland estate,adult weekend camping ticket: £40.

The Big Green Gathering
It´s the Most important green festival movement.
It was started about original Green Gatherings in the 1980s and Glastonbury's legendary Green Fields.
This is attract 15,000-20,000 people a year, and in ecological stage was present many artists like psychedelic sax man" Nik Turner, 3 Daft Monkeys and more.
This was celebrate on 29 July-2 August
The cost are £125 adult five-day camping pass; £50 children aged 10-17.

Croissant Neuf
Since 2007 it was celebrate in Welsh countryside cause before The Croissant Neuf circus was on tour since 1980s.
This is a Big Hotel but It´s like a big top and the electricity is only created for a solar panel and wind generators.
Only 2.000 people can be stay on this circus, cause the organizer think is more familiar and Comfortable.
It was celebrate on 14-16 August,the cost is adult £80 and children £25

I think It´s very interesting all Green Eco festival, cause in Chile many people is worried for the nature or they are working in something about the nature like marine biology.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Levonorgestrel (LNG)

The levonorgestrel (or I-norgestrel or D-norgestrel) is a synthetic biological active progestin. It is the active beginning of the contraceptive of emergency called " pill of the day later " or "morning after pill". It is one of the available methods for women used to anticipate the pregnancy during the first days after having had sexual relations without protection. As any contraceptive method of emergency, one does not use the levonorgestrel regularly for avoiding the not wished pregnancies.

Mechanism of action
Due to the fact that it possesses a mechanism of multiple action, the effect of the levonorgestrel is dependent on the dose and the calendar of consumption in relation with the menstrual feminine cycle. In the context of the contraception, the levonorgestrel disables the liberation of the hormones gonadotróficas of the pituitary gland. The hormone gonadotrofina coriónica human (HCG) controls the activity of the ovaries and the remodelled one in the endometrium.

1. He prepares the ovulation, the ripeness and the exit of the ovum of the ovary (effect anovulatorio), avoiding the union of the ovum with the sperm.

2. It impedes the transport of the sperms, preventing that these join the ovum (contraceptive effect).
3. It alters the internal walls of the uterus (it reduces the endometrium) preventing the implantation of the blastocito in the uterus. This impedes that the blastocito could reach the uterus.

The use of levonorgestrel in 72 hours later to a sexual relation without protection tends to reduce the probabilities of pregnancy between 60 and one 90 per cent. The efficiency increases while there is in use the formulation of high dose as promptly as possible after the sexual relation.

American system

Hi everybody.
In this time I took about the different in health in USA and Canada.
Well, The USA system is a private, in Chile is like Isapres. For this not all people can pay. This is a razon for many people day in USA ´cause they don´t have any segurity of health or access for a hospital/clinic.
The System is very several to select the people. For example in a family of four integrant, only two are good candidate to have a health insurance. ´Cause they have a good health, and probably they don´t have any chronic disease or several disease.
But the system is very weird ´cause when the people who have a insurance was illnes and they need a operation or other medical things(very cost), they turn down the monetary help to do a operation.
But the Canada system is public and it´s free for all people who need.
the people who have a job pay a "taxis".
Many People of USA travel to Canada only for a Health.
Other good things of the Canada is the babysister ´cause there are many mothers that need to go shopping or something buy.

USA is a world potencia and i dont believe that.
The health is very necesary for all people, and The Canada have a better system.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Les Miserables =)

My favorite book is and always will be the Les Misérables by the great Victor Hugo. Jean Valjean is the hero of this romantic story of the France of 19 century, there are also a lot of others characters that are part of the life of this ex prisioner. Always runnign from his past and hiden who he really is Jean becomes a very god and generes person and helps a lot of people. I wont tell you all the book because I will be deprived you of a briliant piece of work. This is a amaizing and very old novel that a was ''forced'' to read at school,I belive in 8º grade, but Im very glad they do it because I've found a great book that makes me cry at the end every time I read it,always.....
I recomend this book to all the people that enjoy of very well written and excelent storys. I prefer the storys that happens on a very old time, the european kind, or also the ones of the egypsian history, well you know history kind of storys.Thats what I found so interesting about this book, the tipe of life tha people had in France in that time,what they belive,his laws,how they live,etc. Also is very very interesting how the story goes through, I mean that Jean had a lot of troubles,and also the other characters, and you dont have any idea how they will resolve them.

Well I hope you read this book and find it so briliant as I did.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The End ☺

Well like tell the post.
It is the last time I Wrote here.
I enjoy it so much, because it is a entertaining way to learn english
I like this experience because I practice my english not only in the blogging, plataform too. It experience allowed me to think in english about different think such as food, physical theraphy and other more.
It is very import because in many seminar we need to read and understand in English.
And when we do the blogging we practice the proffesional and colloquial way to talk in English.
In the future If I can travel to Canada or England. In this case I need to speak english and this blogging help me to thinking in English and express my ideas.
I love the music in English and it is very important to understand the song.
The beneficts in my case, it help me to practice my composition, vocabulary and orthography.
But I think that we need a feedback about the blogging because there are many think of the student don´t know, and the teacher can help us in that Feedback for example in a post in the blog about your mistakes and how we can learn to the mistakes
or checking the mistake in a special class, in this case a day devoted to correct the mistakes of all students, This is very funtionality because we learn to other mistakes.
In this case I think the blogs are more funtional that now.

The best Wishes for you
See you

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What my mind see

Seven years from now, I see myself working in two areas of physical theraphy, one is neurotheraphy in children with paralysis and deficiency of motor control, and the other one is traumatology specific sports.
In my carrier, the lines I would like to pursue are neuro theraphy and sport traumatology. I also want to complete a magister on 'Sciences of the Physical Activities' here in Chile and Vojta Theraphy (a spececial neurotherapy for children).
I see myself working in a sport club, and if I can, I would like to work for the national female team of soccer.
On Saturdays I would like to work at the Teleton Foundation.
About my ideal job conditions I would like to work 8 to 9 hours a day from Monday to Friday, and 4 to 5 hours at the Teleton on Saturdays. I would be pleased to earn
over $800.000 for the week job. But, for the Teleton Foundation, I would work for free.
I would practice neurotheraphy at the Teleton and the traumatology at any sport club.
If I can work in national fenale team of soccer, it would be unbelievable to me because it would give me the chance to work close to great proffesionals. Other reason because I would love to work there are benefits attached, such as traveling (accompaning the team on every match they would play at Chile or at other countries; and the flexible working hours a job like that may offer.
If I can choose, I would like to be employed at a place near to my home so that I can get there by walking or riding my bike.

Friday, June 18, 2010

¢ prophylaxis ¢

The prophylaxis is to consist of all healthy campaigns, it have like objetive to prevent the apparition of a illness or a state abnormal of the organism.
A very good form to prevent is to educate the comunity level, family and indiviual.
this education is of different form like Tv, radio or pamphlet. Or in case of a litle child. The school is in charge to educate the child in thing like to wash the hand, to brush the tooth. but in this case the family is very important too.
Other healthy campaigns is the vaccination free for people in the risk group.
The state of chile give free all years.
other thing is to take the examens called PAP, this is a form to prevent the uterus cancer

I think the most important think to teach a physical therapist is:
"The Move Is Life"
It is a good thing to prevent illness like Osteoporosis, obesity but the most importante that the people don´t be a sedentary.

Other thing about this career is the ergonomics.
the ergonomics is a discipline that it find the complete harmony between the humans and the tecnology.
in this case it is very importante a pshysical therapist in the job, because they teach you how you prevent the illnes such as bad position or back pain.
this career prevent the laboral illness

Friday, June 11, 2010

♀ StErEoTyPeS ♂

Nowadays the stereotypes are very diferent that in the time of 60.
For example in that time the men have to work for the family, and they have the opportunity to study but the women´s only house, take care the baby and work in the house.
this stereotype is very male chauvinist for this time.
Everything what you lean in that age was by tradition, And that tradition take the woman like something without importance.
Nowdays the women plays an inportant role in the society and relationship.
I Think the men doesnt have lose their place in the society to woman, nowadays, this is a shared place. We fight for we want.
This stereotypes I dont believe contribute to an understanding and acceptance of who we are, because we classified ourselves in a stereotype without thinking about the others.
The vision of a man dont have changed much but the vision of the woman has changed, for example the women we can study, work and no longer we are only making the tasks of the home. and this is very important.
I get along with people of me same sex and people of the opposite sex
I dont see any difference in the contribution that each of sexes could make to me area but I think that the treatment we can do in people with opposite sex or same sex

Friday, June 4, 2010


I love eat more to my life ajajajajaj
well I dont have favorite food, because I love to go to eat outside.

There are many places that I go to eat.

por example I love go to patio bellavista, in a especial place call Shawarma.

Or in Providencia, in a place called Los Insaciables. It´s a pizzeria. In this place you pay 5.530$ but you can eat all you want.

Other Place that I love to go. It´s Cantagallo. In this, there are many places to eat sushi. And

I love to taste different kind of food. And it´s very delicious and cheap.

I feel guilt when I go to eat fast food like mc donal´s or something like that. or when I food many candies because I love candies and I eat all day.

Other situation when I fell guilt is when I eat ice cream, because I love eat ice cream in a place called Sebastian in Providencia. and I go every week for a ice cream

they are addictive for me.

I think that we as the student should eat very healty as a balanced diet.

It´s very important for teh students because this help ous to focus in the class or in other things we want to do.

I considerer to enemies to good food are fast food, because it have many calories

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The physical therapy is a health career that his main purpose is to recover the functionality and mobility of the human body and also decrease the pain.
I think that a very important point or reason to study a health career is that you are working with a person just like us,not only a pacient or customer.

This career has a different areas to specialize, such like respiratory therapy, traumalogy, neurotherapy, research and many more t. I expect to especialize me in tramatology, especialy in the sports physical therapy.

Only Three years ago I've decided to study physical therapy thanks to a distention of a ligament of my right knee, because of that I have to go to a physicla therapy. That's ween I knew of what this was about, and I feel in love right away of this profession and I wanted to be one of the greates physical therapys ever.

Friday, May 7, 2010

§ Physical Theraphy and Health §

In this website is a blogspot about the main health and every day it is to update about to make progress in the health science. It is orientation site dedicated for professional and student of the health area.
And The people can unload many book, papers and information of progress recently in the health science.
it have many link about other blogspot about diferent health area like obstetrics and medicine. And diferent subject like anatomy, chemestry, etc.
On this page I found the information I need. This help me when I need books to the library does not have.
I found this website, when I found information for a job of teh university.
And in this time I need found a book called "Vademecum de Kinesiterapia y Reeducacion Funcional".
And I browse in the internet this book and I found the web site =)
I Like this website because It have Information very interesting and It have books about my career

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hobbies ♫

I have a hobbie now, because I dont have time to practice everything I like.
well, I have played soccer for 7 years. I love to practice this sport, I dont know why, but I like it.
I practice all week, and I play Saturday or Sunday.
I play for a club called Provincial Osorno.
I think the people who want to play soccer must only have the desire to practice it and they should know how to play soccer.
This sport helps me in my physical conditioning.
In my view this sport helps all people who practice it as a teamwork and self-confident.
It teach you when you want a thing, you need strive to do it.
This helps me when I am stressed out for the university because I do other thing, not only study
It make me get in touch whit other pleople because it is a sport in team, in every pratice you have many people to talk.
and This I do in me free time =)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Febrary 27th, 2010

In the moment the earthquake, I was in the house of a friend.
That day, I decided to call my friends to get together for a while.
When the earthquake start, we played "Cuarto de rey" and we spoken about us and us life.

And we only think to run away of the house.
but the earthquake didn´t stop.
I Decided to call my family but the thelephone was out of order.
I run to my house, because my friend live near to me.
My mom was outside the house, she was waiting for me.
whe she saw me, she gave me a big hug.
All my family were very nervious and we didn´t sleep that night.
My house didn´t have problems with the earthquake =)
Later I donate blood in an hospital and I donated money in the campaing.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I´m Violeta Rubio Jara. I´m 19 years old
I Study Physical Therapy in The University of Chile. I´m in second grade.
In my free time, I practice soccer 7 years ago.
I play soccer in three parts, for my university, Osorno and the national selection
and I work in a club every Saturday, called Teclados.
I am listening music all day, in special a one group. They are lucybell. I love them.